Personal Challenge Tag Archive

  • How I Plan to Survive 18 Credits with 20+ Hours of Work

    I haven't talked much about what is coming up for me this fall with school and all, but I'm going to be finishing my bachelor's in accounting at Northwest University. I'll write more about all the

  • It’s A New Year

    Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I've been wanted this to be my first post after my birthday and it just took a lot longer than expected to get it all set up. Calendar Year & Fiscal

  • Hello, New York!

    Last week I finally took my vacation time off from work, and since I'm in this stage of transformation, I decided to take a little adventure to New York City! I'll throw in a few pictures in this

  • My Week With Restricted Internet

    Hello from NY! Last Monday I decided to try out a little project in that I restricted all my internet browsing to three predetermined short blocks of time throughout the day. I realized that I

  • Learning To Cook

    TGIMonday! Since I'll be moving to an apartment in Kirkland in August, I've decided to start a new personal project to help better prepare me for this transition: I'm learning to cook! Even

  • iPhone Detox

    Thank God It's Monday!! Can I just start off saying I'm excited for a new week! I don't even have anything special that is causing this, I'm just looking at this week as if someone hit "reset" and