For the past year, I’ve been conducting a small set of experiments on myself and my finances. It’s part of a concept I’ve been developing that I’ve been calling “Perpetual Value,” where
Hey everyone! Before I get to the subject of this post, I just wanted to make a quick update and say today was my first day at Northwest University! Since the day was just simply introductions and
I officially made my move from Auburn to Kirkland last night, and so far everything is going according to plan, except I have a roommate in the temporary dorm and neither of us were expecting the
TGIMonday! Well, we have finally come to that point, I'm moving to Kirkland on Friday! Many of you all know I will be attending Northwest University in the fall, but I haven't expressed a
Hello from NY! Last Monday I decided to try out a little project in that I restricted all my internet browsing to three predetermined short blocks of time throughout the day. I realized that I
Hey sorry I'm behind in my posts this past week, I had been sick all week, which rarely do I ever get sick, so I don't know what to do with myself when that happens. Anyways, I'm up and running
Hi Everyone! Welcome to the newest chapter in my life: I'm starting up a weekly blog! I'll get straight to the point here, I've become infected with the desire to learn how to live my life to its