The $1 Billion Dollar Question If you had $1 Billion to give to the charity/cause of your choice, what would you choose? Here are some things you could do: Feed approximately 6,250,000
So far in this series, we’ve covered free methods that can positively contribute towards global health that range from a simple search engine click to walking a mile, but what happens when we
I know you’re lazy, but could a little altruism help get you off the couch? Don’t worry, I’m not talking about signing up for a marathon or to do the March of Dimes. This is still pro-lazy,
Ecosia: If you’re again stumped by how many teaspoons make a tablespoon, or how many feet are in a mile (why, why do we use such archaic measuring system? Can’t we
Hello fellow lazy person! So you want to do good, but never seem to do anything about it? Well don’t worry, I’ve put in all the work in to researching different programs and charities so
I have another strange idea: what if there was some kind of mutual fund that took the capital gains and used that to fund community projects? What if we could pool our resources together; grow the
When I first started exploring the concept of a microfoundation, the idea was to create perpetual value for donations so that individuals can stretch the impact their contributions could make. As I
In my first post about the perpetual value method, I mentioned that it was actually a spinoff of another budding concept I was working on. After reading up on the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, I
For being a finance nerd, I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that savings has always been a confusing subject for me. In my mind, there are three financial buckets that I can understand putting my
My previous post proposed a crazy idea that what we should be doing to help new investors is giving them $50,000 to start off with. Even though this is a long shot, how could a system be put into
If my Perpetual Value Theory hasn’t been debunked yet, then I would like to venture into even more ambitious waters. This concept that I’ve been working on has been to find alternative