The Impact of Glasses Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Most likely you do. According to the most recent study by The Vision Council of America, 75% of Americans use some form of corrective
My last post covered Cash Transfers and explained how they are fantastic tools for development in that they aim to provide as much autonomy to the recipients as possible, and don’t impose one’s
In my previous post, I talked about how one the biggest issues in economic development is that many of those who are living in extreme poverty lack access to capital. They have the motivation and
So far in this series, we’ve covered free methods that can positively contribute towards global health that range from a simple search engine click to walking a mile, but what happens when we
I know you’re lazy, but could a little altruism help get you off the couch? Don’t worry, I’m not talking about signing up for a marathon or to do the March of Dimes. This is still pro-lazy,
Ecosia: If you’re again stumped by how many teaspoons make a tablespoon, or how many feet are in a mile (why, why do we use such archaic measuring system? Can’t we
Hello fellow lazy person! So you want to do good, but never seem to do anything about it? Well don’t worry, I’ve put in all the work in to researching different programs and charities so